alvin toffler future shock

Future Shock: Alvin Toffler: 9780553277371: Books人事部門公告----一、衣服本公司勸告你,以你的薪金當水準來穿衣服。如果我們看到你穿Prada的拖鞋或拿Hermes的皮袋,那麼我們假設你的生活很充裕,不需要加薪。如果你穿得邋邋遢遢,那麼你應當學會怎麼理財,這是你自己的事,我們也不必加薪。要是你穿得中規中矩,那也表示你是一個安份守己的人,要多點錢幹Future Shock [Alvin Toffler] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Examines the effects of rapid industrial and technological changes upon the individual, the family, and society. ... Alvin Toffler is one crackerjack sociologist. He wrote a...


Future Shock: Alvin Toffler: 9780808501527: Books有一天老師問小明:「你知道在二次世界大戰時有一顆原子彈從美國飛往日本,你知道這件事是誰做的嗎?」小明委屈地說道:「不是我做的!」老師覺得有問題,便在放學後打電話到小明家裏去......接電話的是小明的爸爸,老師便告訴他早上在學校發生的事情!!小明的爸爸說道:「我的兒子雖然不很聰明,不過他很誠實,所以Buy Future Shock by Alvin Toffler (ISBN: 9780808501527) from Amazon's Book Store. Free UK delivery on eligible orders. ... Future Shock is an amazing book. Perhaps the most remarkable feature is how relevant it is to today when it was written in 1970 in a...


Alvin Toffler Quotes (Author of Future Shock)一位顧客慢條斯里的在餐廳中用餐,然後他吃水果,抽香煙。當侍者把帳單送上時,他摸了摸口袋,假裝驚慌失措的說: 「糟糕,我的錢包不見了。」 侍者面無表情的問:「真的嗎?」於是,他把這個男人帶到門 口,大聲命令他:「蹲下。」然後用力一腳,把他踢到門外。 這時,坐在另一張桌上的一個顧客,25 quotes from Alvin Toffler: 'The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. ', 'If you don't have a strategy, you're part of someone else's strategy. ', and 'You’ve got t...


Future Shock by Alvin Toffler — Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists一個男子怒氣沖沖地對寵物商店的老闆說:「你把狗賣給我看門,但是昨天晚上小偷進我家偷了我300元,牠連叫都沒有叫一聲。」老闆立即回答:「這條狗以前的主人是千萬富翁,所以300元牠根本不放在眼裡。」 This book was written 37 years ago, and Toffler's predictions have to a great degree come true. If you've never read Toffler, he's a must. A classic. Here Toffler speaks of a "Future Shock" in which people are not able to adjust to the quickening pace of ...


Future Shock by Alvin Toffler | 9780553277371 | Paperback | Barnes & Noble總經理出國考察,臨時打到公司交代事情, 不巧接到電話的是小明在摸魚... 小明回答:抱歉我在跟我女朋友講話,請你待會再打 總經理問:你知道我是誰嗎?我是總經理! 小明也回:那麼,你知道我是誰嗎? 總經理:不知道 小明:那就沒關係了…Nothing really ¿¿shocking¿¿ here Future Shock is not a book you Nothing really ‘’shocking’’ here Future Shock is not a book you would want to read to pass the time. It requires your full attention and lots of thinking in order to understand what Alvin Tof...


alvin + heidi toffler {futurists} :: Books妻子和丈夫吵了架以後,氣憤地說: 『我就是找了一個魔鬼也比嫁給你強!』 丈夫立即回答:『你嫁不了魔鬼! 法律規定,近親不准結婚……』Beginning with their ground-breaking books 'Future Shock' and 'The Third Wave', Alvin and Heidi Toffler's global bestsellers have helped multi-millions around the world anticipate tomorrow. ... Powershift Dealing with conflict, wealth and knowledge and th...
