always and forever air supply

Funny & Stupid Customer Stories – Not Always Right根據網站橘子娛樂報導,電影《功夫》裡令人印象最深刻的除了星爺,應該就是飾演小啞女黃聖依吧。而12年後飾演小時候小啞女的女孩已經長得亭亭玉立,讓人大呼:「戀愛了!」 (Sourse:happyjuzi ),本文圖片皆源於同處 飾演小時候的小啞女的女孩叫做王仕穎,小時候她就已經很可愛,長大後更是一個清純(I’m working as a cashier at a popular grocery store. A woman comes in my line with a shopping cart full of typical grocery items.) Me: “Hi, there. How are you doing today?” Customer: “I’m okay. I forgot my (reusable) bags at my house, though.” Me: “That’...


Aircraft Spruce & Specialty Co - Official Site 十月底即將迎來萬聖節,又到了開始煩惱萬聖節該穿什麼好的時候惹(苦惱),假設這件事情也發生在動物身上,會是怎樣的有趣光景呢? 筆觸相當溫暖的插畫家Liz Climo其實本身是辛普森卡通動畫的製作成員,負責的是角色塑造和故事修正的部分。閒暇時的她喜歡畫漫畫,過去曾多次發表漫畫作品,這次以「動物們的萬聖WELCOME TO AIRCRAFT SPRUCE Aircraft Spruce & Specialty Company carries everything a pilot could need, including pilot supplies and aircraft parts, always at the lowest prices. Aircraft Spruce supplies components for a wide variety of homebuilt ......


Is Global Warming Always Bad? | Cato Institute (source:Dcard,下同)   女生對於死纏爛打的男生通常都會很反感,但是以下這種告白方式,讓女生想氣也氣不起來吧! 有女網友在Dcard分享有一位學長追自己的方式,真的很奇葩啊。她舉了七個例子,每個讓網友看完都笑翻了! 案例一是因為他們倆相差30公分,學長就問她「欸,妳要不要當Have you ever read anything good about global warming? Why is all the news always bad? Objectively speaking, any environmental change should have both positive benefits and negative effects. For example, theory predicts and observations confirm that human...


Airline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia原文出處:萌咩誌 作者:CCSX 結合了魔法少女和坦克大戰的原創奇幻動畫 《終末のイゼッタ -Izetta, Die Letzte Hexe-》 (Die Letzte Hexe 是德文,意思是『最後一位魔女』), 自從6月上旬首度發表情報以來, 便靠著一支『美女女空降戰場』廣告而吸引目光。 如今過An airline is a company that provides air transport services for traveling passengers and freight. Airlines lease or own their aircraft with which to supply these services and may form partnerships or alliances with other airlines for mutual benefit. Gene...


Forever Young Blog | How To Be Happier, Healthier And More Successful . . . At Any Age! (source:kiminona,下同)   日本動畫《你的名字》口碑場大爆滿,才剛上映就已經好多人搶先看了! 片中激昂人心的伴樂,隨著劇情高低情緒起伏的動畫,堪稱動畫界最好的電影之一。讓許多人看了深深陶醉~ 其實這不是一部專門給情侶看的電影,單身的人也是可以看啊!只要把劇情中這些台詞學The tagline for Forever Young Blog is “How To Be Happier, Healthier And More Successful . . . At Any Age” yet it occurred to me that I have never written an article on just that. To correct my omission, I offer these suggestions. 1. Exercise And Make Heal...


GIRLS ARE PRETTY(示意圖)   隨著免費通訊軟體的發達,大家溝通的模式也漸漸改變,減少了打電話的次數,多了用手機聊天的時間,不過這伴隨而來的是許多「等待」、「猜測」與「失望」。   雖然使用通訊軟體聊天很方便,但每個人聊天習慣不同,很可能因為不了解對方的習慣,而誤解彼此的想法。   LHave Sex With Your Communications Professor Day! You’ve been craving him all semester, but you’re worried it will hurt things for you in the long run. "I can’t stop thinking about you," tell him during office hours. "But this is the kind of thing that com...
