12年前在《功夫》裡的小啞女已經長大,現在21歲的她清純可愛 ...讓人大呼:「戀愛了!」
Funny & Stupid Customer Stories – Not Always Right根據網站橘子娛樂報導,電影《功夫》裡令人印象最深刻的除了星爺,應該就是飾演小啞女黃聖依吧。而12年後飾演小時候小啞女的女孩已經長得亭亭玉立,讓人大呼:「戀愛了!」 (Sourse:happyjuzi ),本文圖片皆源於同處 飾演小時候的小啞女的女孩叫做王仕穎,小時候她就已經很可愛,長大後更是一個清純(I’m working as a cashier at a popular grocery store. A woman comes in my line with a shopping cart full of typical grocery items.) Me: “Hi, there. How are you doing today?” Customer: “I’m okay. I forgot my (reusable) bags at my house, though.” Me: “That’...