研究:嘿咻「女上男下」姿勢超危險 雞雞容易折斷
Instaling AMD processors (Socket AM2, AM2+, AM3, AM3+, FM1, FM2) in detail - YouTube (優活健康網記者陳承璋/採訪報導)月黑風高的夜晚,凜冽寒風吹來,民眾在房間熱烈雲雨之時,可要謹守分寸,以免遭嚴重「斷根」!根據英國媒體報導,巴西的科學家近日做出一項統計結論,他們發現女上男下的性愛姿勢,會讓男性陰莖的折損率,高達百分之五十以上,而國內泌尿科醫師也同意,女上男下的確有遭斷根的風險。 This is the updated video on how to install the AMD FX 8350 or AMD processors with the socket type AM2, AM2+, AM3, AM3+, FM1, or FM2. IF you found this video useful then please like the video and subscribe to my channel. The music is by: http://www.youtub...