AMD 20nm R9 390X Features HBM, 9X Faster Than GDDR5愛情的禮物 我覺得愛情的兩個最大迷思,就是: 一、對永遠的執著 二、對唯一的執著 所以我們老想著「那些沒有長達永遠的戀情都叫作失敗。」「若我不是唯一,他/她就不是真的愛我。」,在愛情裡反覆受害。 來聊聊永遠。其實我每次談戀愛都渴望跟對方愛到永遠,什麼現實因素都管不了,只想跟對方一直一直相愛下去。還滿A recent presentation of the AMD and SK Hynix co-developed 3D stacked High Bandwidth Memory standard HBM has made its way to the web. This new leak gives us a very good idea of what to expect from the new technology in terms of performance and market avai...