AMD FM2+ Kaveri & APU Chipset Comparison: A88X vs. A78, A55, A85X | Gamers Nexus - Gaming PC Builds 生活中 有很多種不同的愛情 有愛而不得 有默默暗戀 也有遺憾錯過 但每個人最想要的愛情永遠是 你需要的時候 我都會在你身旁 每天早晨睜開眼, 只想看到你的臉。 戀人之間有什麼事兒, 不是一個親親能解決的呢? 不行就兩個! 麼麼麼麼噠~ &nbIn this AMD FM2+ / Kaveri APU chipset comparison, we'll look at the differences between A88X, A85X, A78, and A55, then discuss what's best for your gaming needs. ... Let's just go through these one at a time, top-down. A85X (FM2) & Newcomer A88X (FM2 ......