Gaming With AMD - Global Provider of Innovative Graphics, Processors and Media Solutions | AMD 日本是全球各種變態色情行業的發明者,AV影片行銷天下、AV女優輸出各國,但過去日本的風俗女不接亞洲地區非日本買春客,特別是中、韓、台,原因是日本人看不起這些地方的人。 據日媒報導,日本人骨子裡有一股傲氣,自認為是全亞洲最優秀人種,對於曾被他們殖民、欺負過的台灣人、韓國人、大陸人,一般小姐不願接這三Our aim is to help the gaming industry deliver innovative technologies, nurture open industry standards and aid in its evolution in all ways possible. Check out our featured games Join the AMD Gaming Evolved community Learn about our innovative technologi...