amd athlon64 x2 3800

AMD Athlon 64 X2 - 维基百科 討厭啦!有人在看啦! 沒關係!就讓他們看我們恩愛!Athlon 64 X2是AMD 設計的首款桌面級雙核心處理器,腳位有Socket 939、AM2,於2005年5月首次推出。首批產品採用90奈米 ... 另有更低階的X2 3600+型號,時脈與3800+相同,但L2被減為2 x 256 KB 。這款產品最早是提供OEM廠商使用的,後來為 ......


The AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ Processor Review - Legit ReviewsAn AMD A64 X2 For Under $500?? 上帝關了一扇門,一定會為你再開另一扇窗! 各位羊咩咩!集合!向前看!齊! 讓你媽媽扭一下,爸爸一起恰恰!奏樂! 好久沒有睡這麼飽了!伸個懶腰!   啥米?你說我是顆高麗菜?我不相信!這一切都是幻覺!嚇不倒我的! 蝴蝶蝴蝶生的真美麗!今天不採花蜜要吃蜜蘋果!All that changes today with the release of the AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ processor. The new X2 3800+ comes at a value packed price tag of $354 US on the day it launches and it will of course go down as the market settles down after the launch. Although it is...


AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ - ADA3800IAA5CU (ADA3800CUBOX) 這位主人太用心了!狗狗也替牠戴上一頂瞎趴的安全帽!AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ desktop CPU: detailed specifications, benchmarks, side by side comparison, FAQ, pictures and more from CPU-World ... The graphs below show up to 10 microprocessors with approximately the same level of integer (CPU), floating-point ....


AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ - ADO3800IAA5CU (ADO3800CUBOX)一天,女孩喝醉了,男孩送女孩回家,開了門,發現情況不對,女孩從家裡翻出象棋擺好局,男孩5秒內看懂了,摔門而出,為什麼? (詳答請往下拉)                       &nbsSearch or browse all public submissions in our CPUID database. Use our CPU identification tool to check features of your CPU. NOTE: The CPU ID information below was taken from one CPU and may include features that are not present in all different stepping...


AMD's Athlon 64 X2 3800+ processor - The Tech Report - Page 1 這位大哥,你還要不要人家活命啊!Today, our wish is fulfilled in the form of the Athlon 64 X2 3800+, a dual-core processor running at 2GHz with 512K of L2 cache per core. AMD has priced this baby at $354—significantly less than any of its other dual-core products. It doesn't take a Ph.D....
