ASRock's E350M1: AMD's Brazos Platform Hits The Desktop First - Who Are You, Anyway?《每日郵報》報導,美國科羅多州保守右翼牧師兼電台主持人凱文.史旺森(Kevin Swanson),他在週三的節目中警告所有的聽眾父母,2013年尾上映、創下全球四億美金票房的《冰雪奇緣》有意將純潔的孩子們都洗腦變成同性戀。 他說這部動畫是魔鬼們為了破壞這個社會健全的制度才We had the opportunity to preview the Zacate APU late last year at AMD’s headquarters in Austin, Texas. Now we have the first retail motherboard based on the Brazos platform in ASRock’s E350M1. Today we’re asking: what can the Fusion initiative really do?...