為了營造「飄逸感」 模特兒跑到當場走光...
PassMark Intel vs AMD CPU Benchmarks - High End 你曾經幻想長大要當模特兒嗎?在伸展台上、雜誌封面上光鮮亮麗的女模特兒,其實相當辛苦的,像這位韓國女模特兒,就為了營造出攝影師所要的「飄逸感」,跟另外一位女模特兒賣力在跑道上狂奔了起來(還要跑得很漂亮),結果布料超輕薄又少的上衣就直接掉了下來...貌似露出了NuBra,害她瞬間都害羞了起來... ▼Benchmarks chart of high end Intel and AMD CPUs. Made using thousands of benchmark results and updated daily. ... High End CPUs - Intel vs AMD This chart comparing high end CPUs is made using thousands of PerformanceTest benchmark results and is ......