PassMark - CPU Benchmarks - List of Benchmarked CPUs 當女人說減肥不吃飯了,老公會說愛吃不吃,不吃還是不餓。而情人會說寶貝,不吃飯怎麼行?身體會不舒服的,多少要吃一點! 當女人下班回家說今天真累,老公會說你天天累,也不知道都乾什麼了!而情人會說親愛的,工作不是一天做的,要適當休息,別把身體搞壞了! 當女人說身體不舒服,老公PassMark CPU Benchmarks. Over 350,000 CPUs Benchmarked and compared in graph form. ... CPU List Below is an alphabetical list of all CPU types that appear in the charts. Clicking on a specific processor name will take you to the chart it appears in and wi...