AMD E1-1200 vs Intel Core i3-2330E - CPU-World: Microprocessor news, benchmarks, information and pi每當提到旅行家的時候,很多人的腦海中自然就會出現那些體格健壯的,精力旺盛的人, 畢竟在各種陌生的環境,加上長途的跋涉,這些都需要一個身體和心理都非常健康的人,否則很難堅持下去... 但是,真的只有這樣的人才可以當一名旅行家嗎? 一個名叫Tony Giles的The Intel i3-2330E has Hyper-Threading technology, which doubles the number of threads that the CPU can execute at once. This processor comes with higher operating ... Similar CPUs use the same socket and architecture as AMD E1-1200 and Intel Core i3 ......