Intel Core i3 3217U vs AMD E 450 - CPUBoss 暫且拋開這位匿名 Boy 的體力不說 想要 快感和減肥 兩不誤真的可行嗎? 今天我們就來認真講講 啪啪啪真 能減肥嗎? 說到減肥 基本原理離不開四個字 少吃,多干 吃,咱們先不討論 至於干,得分幹什麼 干多久,使多大勁兒 只有運動量到了才算減We put the 1.8 GHz 3217U to the test against the 1.65 GHz E 450 to find out which you should buy, the older Intel or the AMD. ... Newer manufacturing process 22 nms vs 40 nms A newer manufacturing process allows for a more powerful, yet cooler running ......