amd e450 spec

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Lenovo G575 15.6 inch Laptop - Black (AMD E450 1.65GHz, RAM 6GB, HDD 750GB, DVDRW, WLAN, Webcam, Win 批踢踢實業坊(表特板(Beauty)堪稱台灣網路正妹集散地參與討論的網友以嚴格著稱但是泰國白皙美Pimtha一現身,卻讓許多鄉民留言吶喊 「好正~我的菜....戀愛了!」 看完照片連發以後,我只能說我....我也戀愛了~~>////<只能說戀愛沒有距離啊(誤)以下美圖連發! &nbsRobust and stylish notebook, that delivers on performance and affordability. Click here for a larger version. Affordable Product, High-price Performance Get more value with the Lenovo G575 notebook. Store more music, movies, and games thanks to a large ha...


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