amd firepro w5000 price

AMD FirePro W5000 100-505842 2GB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 x16 CrossFire Supported Workstation V曬衣俠!? Pros: Good performance at a reasonable price point. Well suited for Solidworks 3D CAD or Adobe video editing applications like Premiere Pro and After Effects. Cons: My FirePro W5000 graphics card worked well for the first month or so but I'm now having re...

全文閱讀 AMD FirePro W5000 2GB GDDR5 DVI/2DisplayPort PCI-Express Workstation Graphics Card 100-5現形囉~~ bought this to use in solidworks, it was well reviewed and seemed to compare to the Nvidia Quadro 4000 but at half the price. I usually stick with Nvidia because I have never had an issue with one of their cards. this AMD card was dismal. my gaming GTX470...
