amd k9

超威半导体 - 维基百科 這才是真朋友!! via超微半导体公司(英语:Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.,縮寫:AMD)是一家專注於微处理器与圖形處理器設計和生產的跨国公司,总部位于美國加州舊金山灣區矽谷內的森尼韦尔市[1]。 AMD为电脑、通信及消費電子市场供应各种積體電路产品,其中包括中央处理器 ......


Advanced Micro Devices - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 就叫妳不要找高富帥了啊 viaAdvanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD) is an American worldwide semiconductor company based in Sunnyvale, California, United States, that develops computer processors and related technologies for business and consumer markets. While initially it manufactured ...


MSI Global - Computer, Laptop, Notebook, Desktop, Motherboard, Graphics and more 就算是男女朋友也不可以這樣啊!!偶爾顧一下形象嘛... viaMSI motherboards have solid design and high performance, which are the best C/P valued products for gamers & end-users., MSI AMD 990X Motherboards., MSI AMD 990FX Motherboards., MSI AMD 970 Motherboards., MSI Z68 Motherboards., MSI Z77/H77/B75 ......
