AMD Mantle BF4 and StarSwarm Testing Part 2 - Overclocking the GPU and CPU - Legit ReviewsOverclocki 大叔在心理上有一種成熟美 大叔們在經過青年階段之後,或成家立業,或事業有成,或放蕩不羈,或藝術人生。總之,相比那些年輕人身上的浮躁、輕狂、不諳世事,大叔們是穩重、深沉、看懂塵世浮華。“男人三十而立”如今看來恐怕要有所推遲,而大叔們身上基本沒有三十歲之前的狂傲和輕浮,他們因為On February 1, 2014 AMD released the first public beta of the Catalyst 14.1 drivers as Beta 1.6 with Mantle support. Previously we tested Beta 1.5 drivers, and found it increased the performance of Battlefield 4 by 15.8% on a Sapphire Radeon R7 260X video...