Product Brief AMD Embedded G-Series APU Platform The worlds first combination of low-power CPU and a★首部曲老公為了替破病中的老婆煮飯,決定到傳統市場買材料準備煮海鮮粥「孝敬」老婆……老公:「老闆,今天有進新的魚獲嗎?」魚販:「有啊!你看鱈魚怎樣?」老公:「鱈魚…?可是我要煮粥哩!有沒有小魚?」魚販:「煮粥呀-那吻仔魚最好了!』老公:「吻仔魚?好吧!那&hProduct Brief: AMD Embedded G-Series APU Platform 5 Notes: 1. Extended displays connected to any interface of the AMD Radeon HD 6290/6250 graphics support a maximum resolution of 1920 x 1200 at 60Hz. 2. Internal LCD panel. 3. Internal LCD panel ......