American Eagle Outfitters - Official Site中天綜合台《小明星大跟班》6日晚間10點將播出主題「小大辯論大會之感情忠貞篇」邀請到藝人林采緹、余祥銓、綠茶、蘿莉塔、薔薔、大根等藝人與主持人吳宗憲、吳姍儒Sandy一起討論感情相關話題,其中林采緹首度在節目中談起遭另一半劈腿的心情,感嘆對另一半信任感盡失,若再選擇一次,「不會原諒他」。 主持人吳宗Shop American Eagle Outfitters for men's and women's jeans, T's, shoes and more. All styles are available in additional sizes only at ae.com ... Gift Cards Give them what they really want. AEO Rewards Earn up to 40% off at AEO & Aerie. AEO Credit Cards Ge...