Amiga - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 翻拍自騰訊娛樂、百度貼吧 藍色為網友回覆,黑色為原PO 如果覺得女友對異性的戒心偏低 有什麼比較好又不傷感情的溝通方式嗎? 想跟各位版眾請教看看 所謂戒心偏低就是指對一些肢體接觸之類的.....比較沒有意識到 像是跟男生互相搔癢 腰跟肚子 唱The Amiga is a family of personal computers sold by Commodore in the 1980s and 1990s. The first model was launched in 1985 as a high-end home computer and became popular for its graphical, audio and multi-tasking abilities. The Amiga provided a significan...