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Aji Molido (Triturado) – Ground (Crushed) Red Pepper : Asado Argentina 廣闊無邊的白晝黑夜,千變萬化的天然美景,反射印襯宛如奇蹟幻影般的北極極光,劃破寂靜黑夜。熱衷旅行並擅長將靈感體驗融入設計創作的加拿大包款專門家Herschel Supply Co.,引領旅者步入冰雪遍布,滄窮浩瀚的極地雪景,黎明破曉,曙光剎見時刻,光影四射,擴散反射出奇幻迷人的極地光芒,宛如萬花筒I’ve been meaning to write up a little list on the use of herbs and spices in Argentina, and I’ll get to that eventually, but aji molido came up twice about a week ago so I’ll get it out of the way first. First, there was a comment on the chimichurri reci...


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