超瘋狂的動物園一日遊!7張你「此生可能再也看不到第2次」的動物失控照,拜託 5 不要又交配了!
What does amp up mean? amp up Definition. Meaning of amp up. OnlineSlangDictionary.com ▲(source:nova919,下同) 大家好,我是小白兔~ 相信大家都有去過動物園的經驗吧?雖然動物園裡的動物平常都不容易見到,但還是有人認為去看動物是一件很無聊的事,但是「看動物」真的會無聊嗎?可能是你們沒看見「重點」罷了XD 根據nova919報導,這裡有7張大家「就算再去動This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of amp up is. The slang word / phrase / acronym amp up means... . Online Slang Dictionary. A list of slang words and phrases, idioms, jargon, acronyms, and abbreviations....