時尚頑童Jean Paul Gaultier的顛覆版圖 下
List of XML and HTML character entity references - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 同樣是描寫性別議題,卻沒人能比高提耶更加自在。Jean Paul Gaultier的女人是強悍的,她可以大方穿褲裝叼菸,也能勇於嶄露身材的所有細節,包括不完美。 Jean Paul Gaultier的男人不是沙文主義的大老粗,沒有性別藩籬,他們The "Character" column shows the character. To render the character, the format &name; is used; for example, & renders as &. ... If the document is read by an XML parser that does not or cannot read external entities, then only the five built-in XML ....