Ampère's circuital law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 進步君 : 最近,卸任後的歐巴馬又回到了人們的視線——他的大女兒也要進哈佛了!他到底是怎樣在全世界到處飛的同時培養出一個優秀女兒的?進步君今天就給大家扒一扒美國前總統的育兒經! 提到歐巴馬,我們第一反應大都是美國首任黑人總統。 &nbProof that the formulations of Ampère's law in terms of free current are equivalent to the formulations involving total current. In this proof, we will show that the equation is equivalent to the equation Note that we're only dealing with the differential...