盤點25張「保證讓你笑掉大牙的網友裝闊照」神級打臉!不過#13 怎麼感覺有股淡淡的哀傷...
How to Play AMR Files in Windows Media Player | eHow出處:帶你遊遍英國 原文標題:裝逼不成反被拆穿,這哥們就這樣成功點燃了網友們心中裝逼的慾望... 照片裡的名叫Bow Wow,是美國一個說唱明星。在美國名氣不小,也算是公眾人物一枚。 然而,就在前幾天,這傢伙卻裝逼失敗,現在被網友們笑慘了...Adaptive Multi-Rate files (AMRs) appear most often as voice recordings on cellphones. The format, developed by Ericsson, efficiently compresses the human voice in a small file size. In order to play your AMR files in Windows Media Player, you'll first nee...