情侶相處的99 定律,看過的人都說準!
Android Police - Official Site 定律一如果你的多數朋友不喜歡你的那一位,那麼,他/她肯定不是the right one. 定律二分分合合,分分合合,最終還是要分的。 定律三三個月是個關鍵,一段感情一般來說,三個月的時候就可以見分曉了。 定律四有了分歧就要說出來,不然要成心病,然後會變成分手導火線。 定律五一個女人如果一事無成,但Take a moment to consider the plight of poor app developers. In order to evade the fury of Android users, they need to check their apps every few months to make sure they work with incremental updates. Then every once in a while they need to add support f...