【QUIKSILVER ROXY】歷久復古風情,融合機能與生活風格打造時尚
Build.VERSION_CODES | Android Developers 2014 秋冬, ROXY 散發著歷久彌新的 VINTAGE 復古風情,以靛藍布料、蠟染風格印花、刺繡及水洗刷舊等手法,揉合時而飽和時而灰濁的色調,在復古運動與不拘一格的隨性浪漫風情中取得平衡。 QUIKSILVER 男裝則以專業機能與生活風格為二大主軸,分別強調功能性單品與回歸 QUIKSILVFebruary 2011: Android 3.0. Applications targeting this or a later release will get these new changes in behavior: The default theme for applications is now dark holographic: Theme_Holo. On large screen devices that do not have a physical menu button, the...