『NEW ERA X SQUAD X 三頂動人』特別活動
Layouts | Android Developers 中國春節將至,SQUAD推出最新活動、一年一度推出的『NEW ERA X SQUAD X 三頂動人』,內容將釋出150組特別加碼NEW ERA x G-SHOCK與限定贈品,都是市面上買不到的,戴新帽過好年,好運旺旺來,詳細活動內容如下。 ■福袋販賣時間:1/27(周一)20:00開始販售 ■福袋A layout defines the visual structure for a user interface, such as the UI for an activity or app widget . You can declare a layout in two ways: The Android framework gives you the flexibility to use either or both of these methods for declaring and manag...