Android Screenshots, Screen Capture, Screen Cast | Mighty Pocket大家對大型建築物的認知都是方正的格局,頂多就是高度或寬度的變化,但誰說建築物就不能搞怪,反其道而行的建築設計似乎更能吸引目光,看看這些奇怪造型的建築,雖說怪但反而更有趣呢! 整個扭曲變形,像被擰過一樣 mabee小編覺得像恐怖片裡會看到的驚悚建築 堆疊的方塊酥....(mabee小編:連這個都會想到Android Screenshots and Screen Capture, code-name Ashot, is dedicated to capture screen of Android phone without rooting a handset. However, you will need to have a phone connected to a desktop/laptop via USB port. In such a way it can be used for full sc...