Sensor stack | Android Developers - Android Open Source Project 在街頭看到性感妹子背影,就會想繞到前面去偷看一下長相然後進行勾搭嗎?男淫們,以後可得注意。你也會遇到:後看想犯罪,前看想撤退! 1.披肩捲髮,齊屁小熱褲,熱辣小蠻腰,背影確實妖嬈嫵媚! 2.男淫們是不是按耐不住自己激動的心情。辣妹,來個正面啊!!! 3.臥槽,正面真是慘不忍睹.....說車禍現場簡The figure below represents the Android sensor stack. Each component communicates only with the components directly above and below it, though some sensors can bypass the sensor hub when it is present. Control flows from the applications down to the ......