Getting Your SMS Apps Ready for KitKat | Android Developers Blog「海市蜃樓」這種大氣光學現象,一般出現在大海和沙漠,但大陸有網友在市區拍得「海市蜃樓」。浙江金華有民眾稱在星期六下午,在市區拍下「海市蜃樓」。這張照片下午5時29分拍攝,當時上空烏雲密布,開始下起雨。 (source: toutiao.com)本文圖片皆出自同處。 根據今日頭條的報導,目擊者陳帥在遛Posted by Scott Main and David Braun Sending and receiving SMS messages are fundamental features on mobile devices and many developers have built successful apps that enhance this experience on Android. Some of you have built SMS apps using hidden ......