Android Radio - Android app video review - Erik Fikkert | Appolicious ™ Android App Directory 圖片來源 日前有一名網友po文表示,自己在等電梯時,聽到一對夫妻的對話內容,先生頻頻和太太道歉,說自己以後再也不會去喝酒了,求她原諒,只見老婆依然很生氣地說,「你走樓梯比我先到,我就原諒你」。先生聽完立刻拔腿狂奔最後網友靈光一閃,突然想幫忙,出電梯時火速按下了很多層樓,就跑走了。網友看了笑翻說「給Check out appoLearning.com, because your kids deserve the very best educational apps! Android Radio is a radio app for the Android platform. This app allows you to collect to a good deal of radio stations directly from your Android phone and stream everyt...