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全文閱讀 : Dragon Touch® Y88X 7'' Quad Core Google Android 4.4 KitKat Tablet PC, Dual Camera, HD 1   世界上有些事情無法用常理來解釋,你所認為的「正常」在別人眼裡或許是「假正經」,別人的瘋狂又可能是逃離世俗的另一種方式。如果你覺得自己太一板一眼,看看以下的照片能幫助你脫離既定軌道,找到更幽默的生活方式…(但有些則是太過了)   ▼「我為藝術犧牲!」  Outstanding Performance The Y88X tablet is equipped with a Quad-Core CPU, which means up to 4x the CPU speed for everything you do.While 1024 x 600 HD screen delivers crisp images, sharp texts and clear videos. Enjoy the stream videos, smooth-flowing gami...


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