中華新聞雲-維娜斯推「MAN VENUS」男仕塑身衣搶市
Kim Sears- Tennis Player Andy Murray's Girlfriend (bio, wiki, photos) 台灣首度跨性別推出_維娜斯男仕新品「MAN_VENUS」,品牌代言人小S出席活動。 維娜斯20週年獻禮,力邀知名平面設計師聶永真操刀整體視覺設計。記者陳建興/台北報導國人近年健身、雕塑體態的意識逐漸提高,對塑身衣有需求的消費者不再侷限於產後婦女,許多愛美的Kim Sears is a British 25-year old artist and long time girlfriend of tennis Player Andy Murray. The couple has been dating for the last seven years and she is unconditional and super supportive of him. Keep reading to find out more about the beautiful Ki...