andy rubin android

Android Creator Andy Rubin Launching Playground Global - WSJ恩恩....有差!!!! The creator of Android, the world’s largest mobile operating system, is returning to his roots in hardware. Andy Rubin, who nurtured Android at Google Inc. GOOG-1.44 % from 2005 to 2013, is launching Playground Global LLC to provide support and advice to ...


Former Android Leader Andy Rubin Leaving Google - WSJ 【作者】Dr.Joe 好不容易盼來的第一次的約會,沒想到禁忌這麼多,不能遲到、不能講手機、不能抽菸、不能炫耀、不能濃妝艷抹、不能處處龜毛、不能抱怨東抱怨西、不能小氣巴拉、不能.... 這麼多的不能,好像第一次約會的根本不是自己,大多數的人與心儀的人第一次約會會試著逢合對方的興趣及喜好,把Andy Rubin, co-founder and former leader of Google Inc. GOOG-1.42 % ’s Android mobile business and the current head of its nascent robotics effort, is leaving the Internet giant, the company said Thursday. Mr. Rubin is starting an incubator for startups i...
