How deep is the plunge pool of the Angel Falls 1.身體曲線是女人的標誌之一,完美的S型曲線將女人的身體特點顯露無遺,給男人以極大的視覺享受。即使是未見正面,也能從背面獲得極大的美的滿足。一個擁有婀娜曲線的女人從身邊走過,沒幾個男人能禁得住不多看幾眼。 2.一雙修長的美腿也同樣能讓男人著迷以至瘋狂的境地。腿部越長越能吸引男人的目光,那是另外一種It erodes with the waterfall and becomes deeper as the waterfall erodes more. It erodes stones and rocks in the plunge pool Why is Angel Falls called Angel Falls? because it was discovered by a US Aviator called JIMMY ANGEL in the 20th century and he ......