Angry Birds Walkthrough Videos, Golden Eggs, and more | AngryBirdsNest 文/ 七叔 True story. 想了想還是不匿了。 12 年夏天一個夜晚,北京直飛深圳。暴雨天氣,晚點6 個小時。困頓疲乏,飢腸轆轆。 候機廳裡只剩下我們這一個航班的乘客。登機前我和旁邊的人說:“我們好走運,是一天的最後一班機。哦,當然,其實也算是第二天的第一班機。&rdMost comprehensive collection of Angry Birds walkthrough videos and tutorials anywhere…period. Whether your passion is Angry Birds, Angry Birds Seasons, Angry Birds Rio, or one of the other flavors, we will help you on your quest to defeat those evil pigs...