Angry Birds Star Wars HD (APK-Game) ~ Apps Game Android Symbian Images Source: gigacircle 、 ettoday 甜言蜜語別照單全收! 戀愛中的男女似乎智商都會自動調整為低階模式,耳鬢廝磨中說出的山盟海誓、蜜語甜言,聽起來都是那麼樣的真實而可靠,而吵架翻臉後的道歉與承諾,也因為心中對對A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... a group of desperate rebel birds faced off against a galactic menace: the Empire’s evil Pigtroopers! Rebel birds, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil Imperial Pigs. During...