Angry Birds Star Wars II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia其實看到這個,完全覺得男生活該完全不會可憐他!你怎麼對別人的,別人就怎麼對付你可憐之人還是有其可恨之處劈腿那麼多次,還劈到同事去根本把女生的自尊放在地上踐踏最後的報復,真的就是讓人拍手叫好!--靠北男友原文:嗨~親愛的前男友今天我來到高雄看你,聽著你對我說那些甜言蜜語說你出來後會好好對我、說你在裡面Angry Birds Star Wars II is a puzzle video game, a crossover between Star Wars and the Angry Birds series, that was released on September 18, 2013.[1] The game is the seventh Angry Birds game developed by Rovio Entertainment. The game is a sequel to Angry...