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Powerpoint Templates, Powerpoint Backgrounds, Animated Clip Art and Video Backgrounds▲流程十二-配件組裝區:包含鋁合金氣嘴頭、中心蓋與二片式輪圈的上鎖固定等,都是在此區完成,為確保二片式輪圈的每顆螺絲上緊的扭力都一樣,且沒有漏掉,因此鎖螺絲的過程都是採用手工+扭力板手完成,鎖緊後還需做上記號,以供未來檢測螺絲有無鬆動之用,而扭力板手也會定期校正。 圖/顧宗濤 協力/BC台灣柏釧 Animation Factory is your source for Powerpoint Templates, Powerpoint Backgrounds, Animated Clip Art and Video Backgrounds for use in web, email, presentations and more ... All of our PowerPoint templates, PowerPoint backgrounds, animated graphics and ......