Alumna Anne Tsui - University of Minnesota Duluth 19世紀的騎馬式自行車Hobby Horse,在當時來說是一種新型高效的個人交通工具 Fliz的設計靈感來自於世界上第一款個人交通工具,一款與現代自行車類似的兩輪車,但沒有踏板 德國設計師湯姆-哈姆布洛克和朱利-斯珀特設計的無踏板無車座自行車Fliz。Fliz的車架好似一個懸架,繫帶取代了車座Anne Tsui '73 at UMD in fall 2014. Anne Tsui received the University of Minnesota Outstanding Achievement Award in October 2014. She is shown her with UMD Chancellor Lendley C. Black, Dare to Care scholarship recipient Taisha Bauer and CLA Dean Susan ......