Anne's Food▲你心目中的女神是誰?(source:51modo、zhiyinlady) 大家好,煞氣編又來了。 今天為大家整理小編心目中的D槽女神,帶給大家滿滿的福利。小編閱覽無數愛情動作片後為大家推薦自己心目中TOP7。貼心提醒你以下排名只是小編心目中的排名,不適用廣大的網民們。 A perfect winter-time dessert, or a nice treat to nibble with a cup of Glögg (mulled spiced wine). You can serve this on its own, or with a dollop of whipped cream, and perhaps some berries. It's very adaptable, like almost all of my recipes. Sticky Saffr...