9張只有「最資深的老司機」才會看錯的錯覺照, 7從屁股流出來的東西實在太污了啊啊啊!
BARA - WikiFur, the furry encyclopedia (source:Twitter/Twitter) 生活中有些時候會發生一些意想不到的偶然與巧合,這些巧合發生的時間點實在是太奇妙了,甚至到了讓人懷疑是不是惡作劇的地步。而有些時候則不是巧合,而是人類大腦產生的錯覺,瞬間將很正常的照片看成超汙的情境。網站offisoku就介紹了「即使看19次還是會看BARA is an image board featuring images of muscle men. The name comes from the Japanese term Barazoku, which was a gay-oriented magazine in Japan for many years before the popularity of G-Men. It hosts primarily gay content, with no official support for ....