anti-HBe - definition of anti-HBe by Medical dictionary▲美麗的花朵背後都有淒美的愛情故事(source:瀟瀟瀟瀟如) 大家好,我是煞氣編。 大家有沒有相信每朵花背後都有一個沉重的愛情故事呢?據瀟瀟瀟瀟如分享的愛情悲傷花語背後都有慘痛的愛情故事啊!一起跟著煞氣編來細細品味吧! #7紫藤花-沉迷的愛,醉人的戀情,依依的思念 紫藤an·ti-HB e (ăn′tē-āch′bē-ē′, ăn′tī-) n. Abbr. HB e Ab The antibody to the hepatitis B e antigen. anti-HBe, n an antibody to the e antigen of the hepatitis B virus. Its detection in the blood indicates the presence of a low-titer hepatitis B infection and ...