Detection of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) RNA in the Liver of Healthy, Anti-HCV Antibody–Positive, Serum 跟我老公結婚以前約會時,他都很想親我,於是跟我約定~~~~開車時每停一個紅燈, 就親我一下,我同意了之後,他每次載我,都專挑那些紅綠燈超多的中山路,五福路去開。結完婚後, 有一次我突然想起這件事情,於是我要求他像以前一樣,他欣然同意,可是我發現那次他卻開高速公路回家!!我朋友在希望這遊戲裡交到一個女Patients and Methods Of a total of 95 anti-HCV antibody–positive, serum HCV RNA–negative individuals with normal ALT levels (for at least 12 months) who were attending our center (Fundación para el Estudio de las Hepatitis Virales, Madrid, Spain ......