Apple欲闖自駕車市場 傳收購新創公司 Drive.ai搶人才
Management of HIV/AIDS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia匯流新聞網記者王佐銘/綜合報導 Apple這幾年可說是併購公司不手軟,因為他們就是想要藉此獲得人才與專利,近日外媒就傳出,蘋果有意進軍自駕車市場,因此近日便收購了新創公司,希望藉此獲得更多的自動駕駛技術研發的工程師。 綜合外媒報導,其實先前就有消息傳出蘋果想要開發自駕車的市場,故早The management of HIV/AIDS normally includes the use of multiple antiretroviral drugs in an attempt to control HIV infection. There are several classes of antiretroviral agents that act on different stages of the HIV life-cycle. The use of multiple drugs ...