antimicrobial glass

CORNING® GORILLA® GLASS | AntimicrobialisCar! 隨著Mercedes-AMG旗下全新命名方式的啟用,在Mercedes-Benz C450 AMG Sport被納入「正AMG」的高性能行列,並正式更名為Mercedes-AMG C 43後,Mercedes-AMG日前也宣佈即將於今年的「2016紐約國際車展」中,發表品牌中堅主力的新WORLD’S FIRST ANTIMICROBIAL COVER GLASS: ANTIMICROBIAL CORNING® GORILLA® GLASS Thousands of bacteria live on a mobile device surface. Every tap, swipe and phone call results in further exposure of the touch surface. With the rapid growth of ......


CORNING® GORILLA® GLASS | Corning Unveils World’s First Antimicrobial Cover GlassisCar! Subaru即將在2016/3/25-4/3號的紐約車展上,發表全新一代的Impreza。此款車將是Subaru首部採用「Subaru Global Platform」全球戰略平台打造的車款。此平台除了可延續Subaru一貫的全時四驅以及水平對臥引擎的設定,更可兼容電動馬達、油電混合以CORNING, N.Y., January 6, 2014-- Corning Incorporated (NYSE:GLW) today unveils Antimicrobial Corning® Gorilla® Glass at the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES). It is the first EPA-registered antimicrobial cover glass. The glass is formulated wi...


Antimicrobial Corning Gorilla Glass Kills Touch-Screen Germs | News & Opinion | PCMag.com如伸展台上名模時而簡約俐落,時而陽光奔放的多變風格,BMW 4系列以雙門跑車、Gran Coupe或敞篷跑車詮釋三種不同的鮮明個性,為生活妝點時尚意趣。 2017年式全新BMW 4系列雙門跑車、BMW 4系列Gran Coupe以及BMW 4系列敞篷跑車搭載新世代BMW TwinPower TurbGermaphobes, rejoice: Corning today introduced the first EPA-registered antimicrobial cover glass. The latest addition to the Gorilla Glass lineup, Corning's new glass is formulated with antibacterial agent ionic silver, built into the glass surface for l...


Inorganic silver antimicrobial|ISHIZUKA GLASS CO.,ltd.isCar! 長年位居國內進口休旅車級距第一把交椅的豐田Previa,現行車款自問市以來已推出11年之久,是檯面上最「資深」的休旅車,幸好整體產品設計傑出,加上日本原廠為整併旗下休旅車與轎旅車事業版圖的考量,要看到Previa下一代車型恐怕還要稍等一段時間。為使現有Previa能夠持續保有競爭力,車Field Application Daily necessities Chopping board, Disposable gloves, Bowl, Kitchenware, Kitchen knife handle, Duster, Washbowl, Toothbrush, Wrapping film, Canteen, Emergency water tank, Hairbrush, Toilet seat, Cleaner etc. Electric application Refrigera...


Corning Pits Gorilla Glass 3 Against Sapphire, Plans Reflection Reduction and Antimicrobial TechnoloisCar! 當今位居全球車廠前五大的韓國現代,做什麼事情都魄力十足,從Ioniq專屬綠能車的推出,來直接向車壇第一大的豐田Prius下戰帖便可得見一斑。 不過現代不只是在油電車等項目要推出Ioniq專屬車型,接下來現代也想比照豐田Mirai一樣,推出韓國車廠第一款燃料電池專屬車型。現代在燃料電池車Both products are very good, they just have different advantages. Sapphire is more resistent to scratching. Gorilla glass is more resistant to shattering. Now, how I see it, I would rather have a scratched screen than a shattered one. You can get sapphire...


Silver as an Antimicrobial Agent - MicrobeWikiisCar! 為搶佔逐年增長的全球休旅市場,Mazda近年也開始積極拓展旗下休旅產品,而繼品牌最新入門休旅之作「CX-3」,在2016年台北國際車展發表上市後,外界所不斷傳聞,Mazda於2015年法蘭克福車展推出的概念休旅Koeru,如今也確定即將化虛擬為真實,成為填補CX-3與CX-5之間空缺的Protein inactivation Although the antimicrobial properties of silver have been known for centuries, we have only recently begun to understand the mechanisms by which silver inhibits bacterial growth. It is thought that silver atoms bind to thiol groups (-...
