any feedback is welcomed or welcome

Is it correct to say feedback is welcomed or should one say feedback is welcome買家:老闆,這個手機的鈴聲怎麼樣?賣家:絕對能響!買家:掌櫃的,這個手機的最大優點是什麼?賣家:可以打電話。買家:哦!有什麼缺點呢?賣家:不能剃鬚。買家:老闆,有什麼手機最耐用?賣家:只有相對耐用的,沒有絕對耐用的。買家:為什麼?賣家:你見過誰家有祖傳的手機?買家:老闆,有巧克力嗎?賣家:有,德芙的Both are correct, with slightly different meanings. In "feedback is welcome," which is the most common usage, welcome is an adjective describing feedback. In "feedback is welcomed," welcomed is a passive participle referring to the manner in which feedbac...


Steely Dan - Any World (That I'm Welcome To) - YouTube一日,獨立自信的女人越過沙漠和曠野,來到上帝面前,問:「主啊!甚麼是『愛』?」作嬉皮士打扮的上帝,輕吐出含有大麻的煙圈說:「愛,就是LOVE。」女人又問:「LOVE 是甚麼?」上帝說:「LOVE 就是 L-O-V-E。 L 是指 Laughter(歡笑),與愛人一起,如果不快樂的話,又怎算是愛? OSteely Dan is one of my favorite groups so I wanted to pay tribute to them with my own music video. Hope that I've done the song justice. Enjoy!...


word choice - Which is correct: "feedback is welcome" or "feedback is welcomed"? - English Language 一個神經病在床上唱著歌~~ 唱著唱著, 就翻了個身趴在枕頭上繼續唱.....主治醫生問他:[唱就唱啊!!翻身幹嘛???????? ] 。。。。。。神經病說: [ 笨哪~A面唱完....當然要換B面啊 .]I am used to write feedback is welcome. Is that correct, or should I write feedback is welcomed? Why? ... They are both correct, but the sense is a little different. In the first one 'welcome' is being used as an adjective. The second one is a passive con...


welcomed - definition of welcomed by The Free Dictionary【精選笑話】死鬼老公的E-mail在台北的一對夫妻,計劃利用春假到墾丁渡假。老公因為公務出勤,先行南下高雄,公務結束,就在附近訂房,等老婆前來。老公一住進旅館,便用Notebook,寄了封E-mail給太太粗心的老公在收件人住址欄少打了一個字母這封電子信陰錯陽差的, 送到一位剛為他先生辦完喪禮的婦人She was vexed, too, that from all she could learn of this connection it was not that brilliant, graceful, worldly liaison which she would have welcomed, but a sort of Wertherish, desperate passion, so she was told, which might well lead him into imprudenc...


Welcomed | Define Welcomed at Dictionary.com我去參觀氣象站,看到許多預測天氣的最新儀器。參觀完畢,我問站長:「你說有百分之七十五的機會下雨時,是怎樣計算出來的?」站長不必多想便答道:「那就是說,我們這裏有四個人,其中三個認為會下雨。」侄兒是郵差,有次到一家住宅送信,一條狗迎面跑來不停地向他狂吠。那家人不在家,隔壁的婦人打開窗戶喊道:「想知道怎Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Cite This Source...


Welcome in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation幼稚園的老師正在教小朋友牙齒保健的常識。 老師大聲的說:「為了防止蛀牙,我們每天都要刷牙,而且這樣牙齒才不會黃黃的喔!」 突然間,有一個眼尖的小朋友,看見老師嘴裡鑲的一顆金牙。 小朋友說:「老師!哪你的牙齒一定很久很久沒刷囉!」 老師:「……」有一天上歷史課 ,老師突然宣Translate Welcome in Spanish. Get the most accurate English to Spanish translations. Fast. Easy. Free. ... SpanishDict is devoted to improving our site based on user feedback and introducing new and innovative features that will continue to help people le...
