anyone else but you

15 Things Kurt Vonnegut Said Better Than Anyone Else Ever Has Or Will · Inventory · The A.V. Club對於婚姻抱持順其自然態度的吳克群,如何在農曆年節將至的時刻面對遠近親戚?而吳克群前女友「鬼來電」,竟是許瑋甯?近幾年將能量轉化為幽默感的吳克群登上Milk封面大秀雙臂肌肉,幽默大師掌握運動時尚男子力,在這過年佳節中提醒我們用幽默迎接人生! 聽過一遍主打歌後,彷彿被洗腦般留下深刻印象,「人生它超幽默的1. "I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, 'If this isn't nice, I don't know what is.'" The actual advice here is technically a quote from Kurt Vonnegut's "good uncle" Alex, but Vonnegut was nice enou...


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