Executives on How the AOL-Time Warner Merger Went So Wrong - The New York Times所謂成熟,就是在事物發展階段找到一個平衡點 什麼樣的男人才算成熟? #1 懂得管理自己的身材 吃是人類最原始、最基本的慾望 但一個滿身贅肉的男人,很難給人安全感和信服感 彭于晏小時候只要看到桌上有食物就想吃光 當時身高不到160體重就已經有70公斤 不但被同學排擠,身體狀況也很差 &nWhen Gerald M. Levin, left, and Stephen M. Case announced they were combining Time Warner and AOL, many people thought it would be the start of a new era for media. But the trouble began before the ink was dry. Credit Ruby Washington/The New York ......