APC Smart-UPS RT 3000 Rack Tower - SURTA3000RMXL3U - UPS/Battery Backups - CDW.com 如果不說,你一定以為英國品牌 Land Rover 又出了新款的汽車,但其實,這是大陸品牌 LandWind 在廣州汽車展推出的新型車款,一台要價約 67.9 萬台幣(£14,000 英鎊)。不論是車的外型、車燈或是銀色的標誌,都把山寨技術推向了更高的境界! 將兩個車款放在一起比較(上圖為山寨車款Buy a APC Smart-UPS RT 3000 Rack Tower or other UPS/Battery Backups at CDW.com ... APC Smart-UPS RT is a family of high-density, performance UPSs for voice and data networks, medical labs, and light industrial applications....